
Russian Foreign Minister: The U.S. Should Not Joke with Moscow’s Red Lines

Bayan News – Sergey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia, warned the United States not to play with Moscow’s red lines in light of the long-range missile supplies to Ukraine. In an interview with a Russian network on Wednesday (September 4), Lavrov added that Washington has crossed the boundaries it set for itself, and the President of Ukraine is taking advantage of this situation.

Lavrov warned, “But they (the U.S.) should know that they are joking with our red lines. They should not joke about our red lines.”

This senior Russian official emphasized that Washington is ignoring the principles of mutual deterrence which have helped maintain a security balance between Washington and Moscow since the Cold War. Lavrov described U.S. actions as dangerous.

These remarks come as international media recently reported on the nearing agreement between the U.S. and Ukraine regarding the supply of long-range cruise missiles to Kyiv.

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