
Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry is trying to expand the economic activities of Afghan women

Bayan news

The deputy of the Afghanistan Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry says that this institution is developing memorandums of understanding with domestic and international institutions in order to expand women’s economic activities.

Fariba Nouri, the deputy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said on Monday (June 19) at the opening ceremony of the handicrafts and domestic products exhibition in Kabul that about eight thousand permits have been issued for business women in different provinces of Afghanistan.

According to him, this institution is trying to sign memorandums of understanding with domestic and international institutions and organizations in order to develop the economic activities of Afghan women.

It should be noted that the Afghan Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established in Kabul with the participation of 800,000 businesswomen, but with the re-domination of the Islamic Emirate, their economic activities were severely reduced.

However, although the caretaker government of Kabul limited the presence of women and girls in various social and political fields, it supports the presence of women in the economic field.

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