
Germany Seeks to Impose Restrictions on Accepting Migrants

Bayan News – Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the President of Germany, has stated that efforts are underway, in line with other European countries, to impose restrictions on accepting migrants.

He told ARD media that limiting the entry of migrants will only be feasible if Germany, along with other EU member states, can control their external borders.

According to Deutsche Welle, the German President added, “If we implement these rules, which we are currently on the path to doing, then the influx into Germany will decrease.”

While acknowledging the constructive collaboration between the federal government, states, and regions of Germany in implementing these restrictions, the German President emphasized the need to refrain from using statements that seemingly suggest a simple solution to the situation. He expressed hope that a space will be created where democratic parties can come to an understanding after this stage.

The majority of migrants in Germany are citizens of Afghanistan, Syria, and Ukraine.

Following the military aggression by Moscow against Ukraine, the largest number of Ukrainian citizens sought refuge in Europe.

Simultaneously, after the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, the largest number of Afghan citizens have also sought asylum in Germany, and in addition to this, a significant number of others are reaching Germany through illegal means.

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