
Meeting between Muttaqi and Kabulov; Countries Implement Their Programs in the Region with New Mechanisms

Bayan News – Zamir Kabulov, Russia’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, met and held discussions with Amir Khan Muttaqi, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan in Kabul.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs newsletter, this meeting took place today, Thursday (December 20), and the two sides discussed bilateral political and trade relations using regional and global mechanisms.

The Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs added that Mr. Muttaqi expressed appreciation for Russia’s support for Afghanistan in international forums during this meeting and emphasized the expansion of Kabul-Moscow relations.

On the other hand, Russia’s Special Representative for Afghanistan stated in this meeting that countries in the world should implement their programs in the region with new mechanisms.

Mr. Kabulov also reiterated his request to the United States to release Afghanistan’s frozen funds.

Previously, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan also met and held discussions with special representatives from China, the UK Embassy’s Charge d’Affaires, and Italy in Kabul.

The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan assured diplomatic representatives from regional countries during the meeting that Afghanistan’s gateway to the world will remain open.

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