AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

Amnesty International: The world must hold the Taliban accountable as soon as possible

Bayannews – 19 May 2022

Barznews: Amid global reactions to the Taliban’s forced veil on women, Amnesty International has called on the international community to hold the Taliban accountable for fulfilling their obligations as soon as possible.

The group issued a statement on Sunday night calling the Taliban’s recent actions “cruel” and expressing deep concern over the issue.

A statement from Amnesty International said the ruling violated women’s fundamental rights, such as the choice of clothing and the free movement of women.

According to the organization, despite the continued commitment of Taliban officials that they respect the rights of women and girls, they continue to violate international law and expose women to systematic gender discrimination.

“We call on Taliban officials to unconditionally and immediately stop actions and decisions that violate women’s rights, open secondary schools for girls, and allow women to participate politically and socially,” the statement said.

Amnesty International has called on the international community to take immediate action to hold the Taliban accountable in order to prevent the continuation of such human rights abuses.

The Taliban recently issued a new ruling calling on all women in Afghanistan to observe the Islamic hijab. For the Taliban, the burqa or chador is the best hijab that Afghan women should wear.

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