Britain has cut aid in the health and women’s sector
Bayan News
Save the Children officials told international media that the UK’s assistance in education, health and women in Afghanistan has been reduced.
Chief executive Gavin Haines told the Guardian newspaper that the organisation used to contribute more than $7 million in the above sections, but now that number has dropped to $1 million.
“Afghan children are currently dying of disease and age, and now they are facing the uk government’s lifting of funding for food, health and education programs,” the chief executive of Save the Children said.
He also stressed that the reduction in aid reflects that London has turned away from the most vulnerable children and families facing one of the world’s most challenging situations.
With the political and security developments in Afghanistan over the past two years, the level of poverty and hunger in Afghanistan has become unprecedentedly pervasive.
According to published statistics, more than 20 million People in Afghanistan, including children, need food, of which six million are in need.