
Ministry of Defense confirms Killing of Akmal Amiri

Bayan News

The Ministry of Defense of the Islamic Emirate confirmed that their forces killed Akmal Amiri and his eight soldiers in Salang district of Parwan province.

In the ministry’s statement, Akmal Amiri was referred to as a baghutgar and said that they had launched an operation in Salang district and that Akmal Amiri and his eight soldiers were killed.

According to the Ministry of Defense statement,weapons and military equipment were recovered in the operation.

The ministry has warned that the Islamic Emirate will not allow any individual or group to disrupt the safety and tranquility of the people.

Akmal Amiri was a senior commander of the Resistance Front and the military officer of the Freedom Front who took up arms against the Islamic Emirate after the collapse of the army of the previous government.

His killing has provoked a backlash on social media.


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