AfghanistanPoliticPoliticsSpecial Reports

Khalilzad: The UN will host a meeting on Afghanistan in Doha in the next two weeks

Bayan news

Zalmay Khalilzad, the former envoy of the United States of America for peace in Afghanistan, says that Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, will host a meeting with representatives from around the world on Afghanistan in Doha, the capital of Qatar, on May 1 of this year.

On Tuesday night (April 18), Khalilzad advised the organizers of this meeting in a series of tweets that the full implementation of the Doha Agreement should be accepted as a common goal, and at the same time, there is a consensus among Taliban leaders to support the implementation of the Doha Agreement.

Stating that the Doha Agreement has not been fully implemented, he clarified that the important figures of the former Afghan government consider the Doha Agreement to be the best framework for curbing Afghanistan’s challenges, and there is no alternative to this agreement.

Khalilzad also pointed out that a road map is needed to overcome the current situation in Afghanistan, and this map should be focused on the issue of girls’ education and women’s employment.

According to Khalilzad, the Secretary General of the United Nations should appoint a special representative to cooperate with the people of Afghanistan and at the international level regarding the development and implementation of the road map.

The United Nations Mission in Afghanistan and the Qatari government have not yet officially expressed their views on the holding of this meeting.

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