
Dr. Abdullah Calls Economic Crisis a Possible Crisis

Bayan News

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, former head of the High Reconciliation Council, used the word “probability” to the economic crisis in Afghanistan and said that people are living in poverty and unemployed.

In his Eidi message, Abdullah said that as the country’s economy shrinks and food prices rise, a large number of people are living in poverty and unemployment and Afghanistan is facing a “possible economic crisis.”

He expects that the international community and aid agencies will continue to support and support the Afghan people.

Abdullah, meanwhile, emphasized that international organizations have continued to help Afghanistan’s needy as the government of Kabul has imposed human rights restrictions, most organizations have reduced their aid efforts.

In the last instance, the Taliban leader has issued a decree banning female staff from attending UN offices, which has led to the suspension of all duties of the organization.

Meanwhile, the former head of the High Council for Reconciliation, referring to girls’ right to education, said that in order to solve the challenges and problems in the country, it is necessary to address the basic demands of the majority of people, such as providing social justice, respecting basic rights of citizens, participation of all, the right to education and work for girls and women, so that Afghanistan can move towards sustainable social and economic stability.


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