
Ghani: The Taliban should first make peace with themselves and then with the Afghan nation

Bayan news

In his Eid message, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, the former president of Afghanistan, says that the Taliban should first make peace with themselves, secondly with Islam, which is against violence, and then with the Afghan nation.

He said in a voice message on Monday (June 26) evening: “The continuous blood and violence has damaged our collective psyche and maybe it’s time to reject using it as a means to achieve political goals.” do.”

In this message, Ghani clearly states that the reasonable use of the available opportunity can hand over the story of half a century of blood and fire in the country to history, provided that it is not used as a profession to achieve group goals by the Taliban.

The former president of Afghanistan also pointed out that most of them (Taliban) may have understood that the transition to a stable security is national and if it cannot be realized due to the current objective realities, the responsibility of the consequences will be on the shoulders of their leaders. For this purpose, the Taliban must first make peace with themselves, secondly with our holy religion-Islam, which is against violence, and then with the Afghan nation.

Ashraf Ghani, on August 15, 2021, just when the forces of the Islamic Emirate had arrived behind the gates of Kabul, escaped from Kabul with helicopters of the Ministry of Defense.

In the last two years, the Islamic Emirate has always announced that security and stable peace have been achieved throughout the country, and at the same time, the government will also address all economic challenges.

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