
Report: 80% of the world’s opium in 2022 will be produced in Afghanistan

Bayan news

A new United Nations report shows that in 2022, Afghanistan will have produced 80% of the world’s opium.

This report was published on Sunday (June 25) by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

This report is published by this office while recently, this organization and a British research institution announced in a report that after the Islamic Emirate took control of Afghanistan, the cultivation, production and trafficking of narcotic drugs in Afghanistan has decreased in an unprecedented way.

However, this report shows that in 2022, the largest volume of opium in the world was produced in Afghanistan.

According to the report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 6,200 tons of opium will be produced in Afghanistan in 2022, which is equal to 80% of opium production worldwide.

According to this report, it is possible that in 2023, due to the prohibition of opium cultivation, drug production and trafficking in Afghanistan will face a sharp decrease.

According to this report, the world will be benefited by the dramatic reduction of opium cultivation and production in Afghanistan, but the country’s farmers will become vulnerable due to the lack of an alternative.

The Afghanistan Department of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has also said in a statement published on June 26, the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Trafficking, that 3.5 million people use drugs in Afghanistan.

This report is published while the caretaker government of Kabul has taken up a serious fight against the cultivation and trafficking of narcotics and at the same time, it has adopted a plan to collect drug addicts.

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