
Senior Official of the Islamic Emirate: Government Doors Are Open to the People

Bayan News – Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy of the caretaker government’s presidency in Kabul, recently stated that the doors of the government are open to address the people’s demands, and they can share their advice with the officials.

The political deputy of the presidency, who was speaking on Monday, August 20, among elders, influential figures, and tribes in the province of Khost, added that the unity of the people residing in Afghanistan has led to the victory of the Islamic Emirate.

According to Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the government will strive to maintain this unity.

He further emphasized that the doors of government offices are open to the people, and they can confidently present their demands and advice to the officials.

This is happening while some citizens are satisfied with the services provided by the government institutions under the control of the Islamic Emirate.

Some residents of the capital have stated that their issues have been addressed in a timely manner by government institutions and have been properly handled.

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