AfghanistanSpecial ReportsWomen & Human Rights

UNAMA Report: At least 800 Cases of Killings and Detentions of Former Government Members Documented by the Taliban

Bayan News – The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has announced in a recent report that it has documented credible reports of serious human rights violations by the Taliban against hundreds of former government officials and military personnel.

In its report released today, Tuesday, August 22, the organization stated, “At least 800 cases of extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture and ill-treatment, and enforced disappearances targeting individuals affiliated with the previous regime and its security forces have been documented from August 15, 2021, to June 30, 2023.”

Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, added that the UNAMA report provides a serious picture of the behavior towards individuals associated with the former government and the security forces of Afghanistan since the Islamic Emirate took control of the country.

She explicitly called on the authorities of the Islamic Emirate, saying, “I urge the governing authorities to thoroughly investigate the findings of this report and ensure that they comply with their obligations under international human rights law by preventing further human rights violations and prosecuting the perpetrators.”

Meanwhile, Deborah Lyons, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, stated that despite the announcement of a general amnesty by the Islamic Emirate, it is not being fully implemented, and impunity for human rights violations persists.

She added, “The governing authorities must demonstrate genuine commitment to the general amnesty. This is a crucial step in ensuring real prospects for justice, reconciliation, and sustainable peace in Afghanistan.”

According to the UNAMA report, the interviews conducted by the organization indicate that individuals have reported instances of torture and ill-treatment by security forces, including beatings with pipes, cables, verbal threats, and mistreatment.

The report also highlights that UNAMA continues to receive information from families whose relatives were either detained or disappeared, and their bodies were found days or even months later.

The UN Office in Kabul’s report emphasizes that the efforts of the interim Kabul government to investigate and hold accountable the perpetrators of these events have been insufficient.

UNAMA has called on the interim Kabul government to clarify the conditions of the general amnesty to ensure that credible and transparent criminal investigations are conducted regarding allegations of human rights violations against former government employees and security personnel.

Officials from the interim Kabul government have not yet responded to this report, but they have consistently stated in the past that they are committed to implementing the general amnesty and that no former government officials or armed forces have been subjected to harassment or mistreatment.

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