AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

UN: Afghanistan Cannot Achieve Development Without Girls’ Education

Bayan News – United Nations officials have called on the interim Kabul government to lift the restrictions on the education of girls and women in Afghanistan.

Florence Yasosoto Nino, Deputy Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General, stated on Thursday (August 23) in a press conference that the authorities in power in Afghanistan should abide by their commitments and grant girls access to education according to international laws.

The UN official emphasized that access to education is a crucial part of the human rights of women and girls, and without their full participation, Afghanistan cannot achieve development.

She stressed that the ban on education for women and girls has affected the entire population of Afghanistan.

However, following the resurgence of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, girls have been prohibited from attending schools, and in addition to that, other restrictions have been imposed, including the ban on work and higher education for girls in universities.

In response to the continuation of these restrictions, Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, the political representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, explicitly stated in a seminar in Kabul yesterday that it is incumbent upon the authorities to provide an environment for girls’ education.

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