
Islamic Cooperation Organization Scholars: Education is an Islamic Obligation for Men and Women

Bayan News – The scholars of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, who recently arrived in Kabul, have announced that education is an Islamic obligation for both men and women, with reference to the education of women and girls in Afghanistan.

During their visit to Kabul, the scholars held meetings and discussions with the Deputy Political Chief of the Kabul Interim Government, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, and the Acting Minister of Higher Education and Religious Affairs.

According to the newsletter of the Islamic Cooperation Organization published on Thursday evening (September 6), it has been emphasized in these discussions with the authorities of the Islamic Emirate the need for all efforts to ensure access for girls and boys to all levels of education and specialization required by the people of this country.

According to the newsletter, “In these meetings, both sides emphasized that education is a unanimous Islamic obligation for both men and women.”

The Islamic Cooperation Organization also recalls that the Muslim scholars have heard reports from the Ministries of Education and Higher Education regarding the review of curriculum programs and the creation of a safe environment for girls’ education throughout the country.

However, Tariq Ali Bakheet, the representative of the Secretary-General of the Islamic Cooperation Organization, is leading this initiative.

The scholars also had a meeting with the Acting Minister of Interior of Afghanistan.

Sarajuddin Haqqani had stated during the meeting with the scholars of the Islamic Cooperation Organization that the issue of girls’ education in Afghanistan will be resolved.

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