AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

Request for Help from 25 Female Athletes to French and Canadian Leaders

Bayan News – A group of female athletes, numbering 25, have requested cooperation from the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of France in an open letter. The letter, which was obtained by Bayan News on Thursday (September 27), states that these 25 female athletes from Canada and France do not seek money, buildings, or luxurious lives, but rather they are seeking peace.

The sports group has named themselves the Nima Girls, and they refer to the open letter as their only means of salvation. They added, “We do not want to be a burden on your government and receive free services. We only want you to help save our lives from this land full of dangers. We simply want to have the right to life, education, and living.”

In their letter, these girls write about the policies of the Taliban towards women and girls, stating that “here, girls are being punished for seeking education, working, and striving for freedom.”

They mention that they have sent requests to various places but have not received any response. These girls attribute their decision to write the letter to the immigration policies of these two countries.

They have expressed their expectation of receiving a response to their letter from the leaders of these two countries.

Since the Taliban regained control of the country, girls above sixth grade have been prohibited from attending school, and the gates of universities have been closed to them.

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