
Meeting between Muttaqi and the Iranian Ambassador in Kabul

Bayan News – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Afghan caretaker government has announced that Amir Khan Muttaqi, the caretaker of the ministry, met and held discussions with Hassan Kazemi Qumi, the Ambassador and Special Representative of the President of Iran in Afghanistan.

According to the Foreign Ministry’s newsletter, the meeting took place on Thursday, December 13th, and the two sides discussed economic progress between Afghanistan and Iran, resolving the issues of migrants, and bilateral political cooperation in detail.

The Afghan Foreign Ministry stated in the newsletter: “Mr. Muttaqi, while welcoming the Iranian delegation, emphasized the need to seriously address the legal and judicial problems of Afghan migrants in Iran and maintain effective bilateral political, economic, and cultural relations.”

The Iranian Ambassador in Kabul also mentioned the visit of the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Afghan caretaker government to Iran, stating that regional connectivity and the growth of economic cooperation will strengthen the political and economic relations between the two countries.

Mulla Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Kabul caretaker government, had visited Iran last month, and during his five-day trip, Mr. Baradar met and held discussions with various Iranian officials.

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