
Iranian Security Officials Announce Border Blocking with Afghanistan

Bayan News – Iranian media, citing security officials, reported the implementation of a border blockade plan with Afghanistan, spanning 74 kilometers.

Qiumarth Heydari, the commander of the Iranian Army Ground Forces, who recently visited the Iran-Afghanistan border, added, “The border blockade between Iran and Afghanistan is one of the most important national projects, covering a distance of 74 kilometers.”

The Iranian security official emphasized that the border plan is being carried out in four phases, with the fencing already completed, and the next stages will involve infrastructure and road construction.

Highlighting that the border blockade is part of Iran’s sustainable security, it was emphasized that considering the regional situation, this plan plays a significant role for Iran.

The commander of the Iranian Army Ground Forces stated that the borders of the country are secure and occasionally experience “minor incidents” that do not pose a threat to the country’s security.

He added that the presence of the Iranian army at the borders is not indicative of insecurity, but rather serves as intelligence surveillance and military readiness.

However, with the increase in migration, several countries, including Pakistan and Turkey, have undertaken border blockades to prevent the entry of illegal immigrants.

In recent months, Iran has expelled thousands of Afghan migrants who had entered the country illegally.

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