
Moscow is considering “removing the Taliban” from the list of terrorist organizations

Bayan News – The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday (April 1) that they are considering removing the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations.

According to the Russian news agency TASS, the country’s Foreign Ministry added that the issue of removing the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations is under review.

Zamir Kabulov, Russia’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, added that Moscow has regular cooperation with the Taliban in the fight against terrorism.

Kabulov stated: “The ministries of Justice, Foreign Affairs, and other relevant government agencies of Russia are working on the issue of removing the Taliban movement from the list of terrorist organizations; however, the top leadership of Russia will ultimately make the final decision on this matter.”

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However, Russia and the Taliban have had close relations for many years, and Moscow has invited Taliban officials to various meetings.

The Russian Foreign Ministry is publicizing this news at a time when, a few days ago, the ISIS group organized a deadly attack in the outskirts of Moscow.

In this attack, at least 140 Russian citizens were killed and nearly 200 others were injured. Furthermore, senior Russian security officials had expressed concerns several times about the presence of terrorist groups in Afghanistan that threaten the security of Central Asian countries.

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