
Iranian Official Calls Psychological Operations Against Afghan Migrants Concerning

Bayan News – Davoud Massumi, the Deputy Head of Iran’s Immigration Organization, expressed concern over the launch of psychological operations against Afghan migrants in this country.

He said on Saturday (June 8) at the conference “From Self-Confidence to the Empowerment of Afghans” that “we must be more vigilant so as not to play into the hands of the enemy, as they are seeking to sow discord.”

This Iranian official emphasized that the discussion of “Afghano-phobia” and unsettling the minds of the Iranian people is a psychological operation of the enemy.

Massumi, stating that the commonalities between Iran and Afghanistan are an important point of connection, noted that the majority of foreign migrants in Iran are Afghans.

The Deputy Head of Iran’s Immigration Organization further stated that the think tanks of the enemies, especially Israel, are trying to create a rift between the people of Iran and Afghanistan. “The think tanks of the enemies, whose source is the usurping Zionist regime, and some traitors are trying to create division.”

He said, “Our goal in the area of foreign nationals is to move towards the Islamic Ummah, and we must be vigilant against the tricks of the enemies in this regard, including Iranophobia and Afghanophobia.”

These remarks come as the Iranian government has intensified the trend of forcibly deporting undocumented Afghans over the past year.

According to published statistics, at least two million Afghans have entered Iran legally and illegally over the past two years.

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