
China and the US Returned to the Negotiation Table After Five Years

Bayan News – US officials have said that nuclear talks between Washington and Beijing have started on a semi-official basis after a five-year hiatus.

The Reuters report, published on Thursday (June 20), quoted US officials as saying these semi-official talks had begun in March.

Chinese representatives told their American counterparts that in the event of a war with Taiwan, they would not use nuclear weapons.

According to the Reuters report, the concern of US officials was that China would use or threaten to use nuclear weapons if it were to lose a potential war with Taiwan.

However, the Chinese interlocutors told the American side that they have come to believe that in the event of a war with Taiwan, they can prevail with conventional weapons without the use of nuclear weapons.

Formal government-to-government talks or negotiations in this regard are referred to as “Track 1”.

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