
Political Opponents of the Taliban: The Taliban Do Not Listen to the Voice of Truth and Peace

Bayan News – The political opponents of the Taliban criticized the double-dealing of the international community towards Afghanistan at a press conference on Wednesday, June 26, at the end of the Vienna meeting.

Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, the leader of the Islamic Unity Party of the People of Afghanistan, said at this press conference that the Taliban have been embroiled with the world and the people of Afghanistan for the past three decades.

He added, “Now is the time for the world to know that they (the Taliban) do not listen to the voice of truth and peace.”

According to this political opponent of the Taliban, the international community, especially the United States, has given the Taliban more than $15 billion in the past three years.

He stressed that the fourth Vienna meeting was held to find a roadmap for ending the crisis in Afghanistan, and the participants of this meeting were able to discuss various issues.

On the other hand, Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the National Resistance Front, emphasized the revival of hope among the people of Afghanistan.

He considered the Vienna meeting to be wide-ranging and comprehensive, and said that this meeting was held to find a roadmap for ending the crisis in Afghanistan.

The leader of the National Resistance Front also noted that women’s representatives had a strong presence at the Vienna meeting.

According to Massoud, the participants of this meeting were able to discuss various issues.

The leader of the National Resistance Front stressed that in the next round of the Vienna meeting, efforts will be made to continue the dialogues and reach their main goal.

This meeting was held just a week before the third Doha meeting in Vienna, the capital of Austria; a meeting that seems to be considered important for the political life of Afghanistan.

The Doha meeting is hosted by the United Nations with the presence of the Taliban delegation; but it is said that representatives of some countries, including the United States and Britain, will not participate due to opposition to the composition of the agenda of this meeting.

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