
160% Increase in Arrival of Refugees to Spain’s Canary Islands

Bayan News – Authorities in the Canary Islands have said that in recent months around 20,000 refugees, including unaccompanied children, have arrived on these islands, which represents a 160% increase compared to the previous year.

According to them, this number arrived before the main refugee arrival season in the fall.

However, the arrival of thousands of unaccompanied children to these islands has posed a challenge for local authorities. They say that these islands have the capacity to accommodate only two thousand refugee children, while more than five thousand and five hundred unaccompanied children have arrived.

Local authorities have called for help from the Spanish government. The Spanish parliament is also voting on a plan that asks other regions to take on some of the responsibility for underage migrants. But there is no guarantee that this plan will pass in parliament.

Earlier this year, the European Union signed a 210 million euro agreement with Mauritania to prevent refugees from entering Europe, but it appears to have been ineffective.

Most of the refugees are from Senegal, Mali, and other African countries plagued by poverty, war, and instability, who are entering the Canary Islands to then travel to wealthier European countries.

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