
The Taliban Ministry of Culture: We have prevented the publication of 150 book titles over the past two years

Bayan News – Officials from the Taliban’s Ministry of Information and Culture say that the current Kabul government has prevented the publication of 150 book titles over the past two years.

Abdul Aleem Zanwak Mufti Zada, the head of the state-owned Baihaqi Publishing House, told Tolonews that the content of these books was contrary to religious teachings.

He added, “The books that are published must be in line with the policy of a system and not be contrary to our fundamentals and culture. These 150 books were either not fit for publication, came from abroad, or were influenced by the American occupation.”

Since coming to power in Afghanistan, the Taliban have focused heavily on sales and publications in the country, and have monitored many libraries in Afghanistan, including in Kabul, with some libraries also being closed down.

Taliban officials have also banned a number of bookstores in several provinces, including Kabul and Balkh, and have confiscated books that are not considered useful from the Taliban’s perspective.

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