
UNAMA Report: Four Percent of People Want the Taliban Recognized

Bayan News – The latest report from the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) shows that only four percent of the people want the Taliban to be recognized.

UNAMA recently conducted a survey on the level of satisfaction of the Afghan people, especially women and girls, and the results of this survey were published on Wednesday, July 24, on the X platform.

UNAMA interviewed 888 women in 33 provinces of Afghanistan and 64 men in 14 provinces.

According to the report from this organization, 80 percent of the interviewed women said they had had no interaction or dialogue with the Taliban’s central and local authorities in the past three months, and the rest of the women said this had happened to them.

According to this report, two percent of women still expressed that they have good influence on decision-making processes in society, and this figure is 18 percent for men.

Most women in this report said that they have been completely excluded from social life and no longer have the ability to speak with local Taliban authorities about their problems.

The report states that women do not feel safe at home at all, and at the same time, men in this survey clearly stated that when they go out with a woman from home, the fear and danger arising from the current Taliban’s behavior accompanies them.

In UNAMA’s survey, women and men asked the international community to create formal mechanisms to ensure the participation of women in international meetings related to Afghanistan’s future.

According to the respondents, this can be achieved by allocating a 50 percent quota for Afghan delegations for women, the presence of women in any Afghanistan-related dialogue, or the formation of a women’s advisory body for the international community.

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