
Migration Organization: After the Doha Agreement, Eight Million Afghans Left Their Country

Bayan News – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has recently provided statistics that after the signing of the agreement between the Taliban and the United States, around eight million Afghans have left their homeland.

This report from the International Organization for Migration was made public on Friday (August 2nd) and it states that at least one million Afghans have settled in European countries, and 85% of the rest have become refugees in Iran and Pakistan.

According to the report, the United States signed an agreement with the Taliban in Doha, the capital of Qatar, on February 29, 2020, and according to analyses and assessments, this agreement led to the collapse of the republican system in Afghanistan.

The report states that since the Taliban came to power, the economic inflation in this country has grown sharply and has multiplied the level of poverty.

The report of this UN agency states that about 70% of Afghans who migrate to Iran say they have left their homeland due to the lack of job opportunities. This organization adds that the number of returning Afghans from Iran is also significant, and in 2023, nearly one million Afghans have returned from Iran to their country. 70% of the returned migrants did not have residence documents.

The International Organization for Migration says that many Afghan citizens prefer to migrate to other countries through illegal routes due to the difficulties in obtaining passports and visas, and they mostly pay smugglers to cross the borders.

The report of the Migration Organization states that Afghans who do not have access to travel documents face greater threats of human rights violations when crossing borders and in neighboring countries. The Migration Organization adds that this group of Afghans faces “cruel, inhuman and degrading” treatments.

Meanwhile, the International Organization for Migration in the continuation of this report has called on countries to suspend the deportation of Afghan migrants until the conditions for “safe, dignified and voluntary” return are provided.

It is while the governments of Pakistan and Iran have recently increased the deportation of Afghan migrants without valid residence documents. According to statistics provided by the Taliban’s Ministry of Rfugees and Repatriations, more than a thousand Afghan migrants are deported from these two countries every day.

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