The lofty thought of “Mohseni” is the necessity of our time
Bayan News – His enduring and profound religious and approximate thought is the necessity of our time. His enduring legacy is the axis of Islamic brotherhood and national solidarity of our people. His innovative jurisprudential view is the religious response of the Islamic society to the questions of our era and time.
His moderate discourse is the need of the Islamic Ummah today to fight against the takfiri and extremist thought. His valuable and blessed religious center and academic complex is the path of the flourishing and prosperity of the civilization of our era and the religious devotion of our people.
His theory of Islamic government is the eternal need of our society for justice, freedom and equality.
Revisiting the enduring legacy of the striving jurist and wise thinker of the Islamic world is a step towards preserving the great achievements of the years of struggle of the Muslim people of our country. We honor the fifth anniversary of the ascension of that innovative jurist and teacher of Afghanistan.
Abdul Qayyum Sajjadi, University Professor and Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Previous Government of Afghanistan