
Sources: Taliban Forces and Pakistani Military Clash Again

Bayan News – Local sources in Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan report that Taliban border forces and Pakistani military engaged in a clash near the Torkham border crossing on Monday afternoon (August 12).

Sources say that the confrontation occurred at 4:00 PM and that both sides used light and heavy weapons.

It has also been reported that the Taliban have sent new troops to the incident area.

According to the sources, the reason for this clash was the establishment of a checkpoint by Taliban forces at the zero point of the Torkham township.

The sources added that the situation in the area is not normal, and travelers, traders, and shopkeepers have left the region.

The central Taliban government has not yet issued an official response regarding this clash, and no casualties have been reported from this event so far.

This comes as the Taliban have engaged in multiple confrontations with Pakistani military forces in border areas since taking power in Afghanistan.

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