AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

Continuation of Reactions to the Taliban’s ‘Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil’ Law; A Hundred Pages of Hatred Towards Women

Bayan News – The ratification of the ‘Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil’ law by the Taliban leader has provoked international reactions, and several government officials from countries including Germany and the US have described this law as being full of hatred towards women.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wrote in a note on the X platform yesterday (August 23) that the Taliban’s ‘Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil’ law is inhumane.

She wrote: “This law, which deprives Afghan women of their dignity, rights, and voice, consolidates inhumane laws.”

The German Foreign Minister stressed that with this law, the Taliban condemn half of Afghanistan’s population to silence, and this law once again showed that there can be no relations with radical Islamists.

Meanwhile, Rina Amiri, the US special representative for Afghan women, also reacted to the ‘Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil’ law as well as the ban on the UN special rapporteur’s travel to Kabul.

Ms. Amiri wrote on the X platform that these Taliban actions indicate that they have intensified their extremist policies of the 1990s.

This US official called on the international community to refrain from normalizing relations with the Taliban until the human rights situation in Afghanistan improves.

The international reactions come after the Taliban’s Ministry of Justice announced last Wednesday that the Taliban leader had ratified the ‘Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil’ law.

This law, with a preamble, four chapters, and 35 articles, has been published in the Taliban’s official gazette.

Based on this law, the broadcasting of music, the transportation of women without a mahram (male guardian) and without hijab, and the mixing of women with men in vehicles are prohibited.

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