
A second shooting by Iranian border guards at Afghan migrants has been reported

Bayan News – The Halwash media outlet, which covers news from Sistan and Baluchistan, recently reported a second incident of Iranian border guards shooting at Afghan migrants.

According to this outlet, several migrants from a group of 150 were killed, injured, or went missing due to a landmine explosion followed by gunfire from Iranian border guards.

In its report, Halwash News stated that the incident occurred on the evening of Thursday, October 17, when a group of 150 Afghan migrants was attempting to cross the Iran-Afghanistan border illegally.

The media outlet did not provide further details and mentioned that it is seeking more information about the incident.

So far, Iranian authorities and the Taliban in Afghanistan have not commented on the matter.

Additionally, Halwash reported last week that Iranian border forces opened fire on a group of 300 Afghan migrants in the Kalagan area of Saravan, resulting in dozens of Afghan migrants being killed or injured.

The Iranian ambassador in Kabul and the commander of the Sistan and Baluchistan border guards, however, denied the previous incident of shooting at migrants and their deaths.

The Taliban issued a statement announcing the formation of a high-level committee to investigate reports of shootings at Afghan migrants. However, several days later, the results of this investigation have yet to be released.

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