
The activities of the head of the Washington Post’s Afghanistan bureau were banned

Bayan news

The Washington Post published a statement on Thursday (April 20) and said that the head of the newspaper for Afghanistan has been banned from reporting on the situation in Afghanistan by the caretaker government in Kabul.

Sali Bezbi, the executive editor of the Washington Post newspaper, said that this newspaper does not see any justification or reason for this action of the caretaker government of Kabul.

According to the executive editor of this newspaper, there have been protests against this action of the acting Kabul government in the past few months; But they (Taliban officials) called their action final.

Susanna George has been working as the Washington Post’s Afghanistan and Pakistan bureau chief for three years now, and this newspaper has described her reporting process of the situation in Afghanistan as brave.

The office of this newspaper was opened in 2001 in Afghanistan at the same time as NATO forces were present.

However, the caretaker government of Kabul has also banned other multimedia activities such as Voice of America and Radio Azadi in Afghanistan.

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