Security Council Holds Closed-Door Session on Afghanistan
Bayan News – The United Nations Security Council held a session on Monday, December 11, focusing on the current situation in Afghanistan, particularly the conditions of women and girls in the country, behind closed doors.
The session was organized by the United Nations Office in Switzerland and supported by representatives from Japan and the United Arab Emirates in New York.
According to a United Nations statement, the session titled “Women’s Perspectives on Afghanistan” included participation from representatives of women’s organizations and civil society in Afghanistan.
The United Nations stated that the objective of this session is to discuss the involvement of Afghan women in global conversations and decision-making regarding Afghanistan’s future.
It has also been reported that highlighting ways to ensure the participation of Afghan women in leadership and decision-making regarding the country is part of the agenda of the United Nations Security Council session.
Meanwhile, officials of the Kabul interim government have not provided any comments on this matter. However, in their statements, they have consistently considered women’s and girls’ issues as internal matters and have requested other countries not to intervene in this regard.