AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

The girls in Kabul said “no” to the Taliban’s mandatory hijab

Bayannews – 7 May 2022

A number of women and girls in Kabul protested against the Taliban’s new directive to observe full hijab for women.

The protest took place today, Monday (May 7), and the girls chanted slogans such as “Hijab is an excuse, elimination of women is a plan”, “Let me breathe”, “No to compulsory hijab”.

“The Taliban have been holding the Afghan people hostage for the past eight months, during which time poverty, unemployment and insecurity have peaked,” Shamail Tawana, one of the girls, told Bayannews. But the current government is focused on how women wear the hijab.

“During this time, the Taliban have taken away all individual and social freedoms and have virtually excluded women from society,” she said, noting that a more sophisticated version is being prepared for women every day.

The women and girls expected the Taliban leadership to order the reopening of schools and mutual acceptance, but their leader ignored all human and humanitarian crises and ordered the hijab.

According to Ms. Tawana, the Taliban’s instructions for full hijab of women are irrational and have insulted and humiliated human consciousness in Afghanistan.

Recently, the Kabul-based government issued new guidelines for women, requiring women to observe the full hijab, and also introduced the Taliban as the best hijab for women.

The Taliban’s directive provoked widespread domestic and international reactions.

The United Nations, the European Union, the United States and several other international organizations have reacted to the Taliban’s decision, stressing that such actions by the Taliban will have a negative impact on their relationship with the international community.


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