
Ministry of Information and Culture: Youth’s ‘ears’ cut off on illegal routes

Bayan News

Officials from kabul’s Ministry of Information and Culture called the migration crisis tragic and stressed that the government is trying to prevent youths from fleeing.

Mohammad younos Rashid, deputy minister of youth affairs of the ministry, made the remarks at a press conference in Nangarhar province.

He added to the media that the government is working on an economic plan to reduce unemployment and provide job opportunities for young people.

“We can consider the youth’s escape from Afghanistan a tragedy,” Rashid said. Unfortunately, thousands of our young people, the poor in many countries, are imprisoned. “Those who travel and go to high-risk roads have also faced indisputableness, even by a number of cowards who have had their ears cut off.”

“In order to prevent this crisis, he said, it is the decision to establish a training center for young people in Kabul and, after learning education, freely take international projects and thereby achieve revenues.” “Our goal is that within the framework of the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, we plan to economically strengthen afghanistan’s youth so that we can grow and develop well.”

This comes after the Islamic Emirate’s dominance of Afghanistan, the migration crisis escalated unprecedentedly, with dozens of young Afghans choosing risky routes to reach neighboring and European countries.

Recently, a wooden boat carrying Afghans sank in the coastal waters of southern Italy, causing more than 60 Afghan refugees attempting to travel to Europe.

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