
Amir Khan muttaqi to UAE religious scholars’ delegation: Closing girls’ schools is not a religious issue

Bayan News

Amir Khan Muttaqi, acting foreign minister, reportedly told the UAE Board of Religious Scholars that closing girls’ schools was not a religious matter.

On Thursday evening (March 16), a delegation of religious scholars from the United Arab Emirates came to Kabul and, according to published reports, the delegation held talks with senior officials of the acting government on girls’ education.

A government source told the media that Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan muttaqi, in a meeting with the delegation, stated that girls’ education was not banned in the Islamic religion and that closing girls’ schools was not a religious matter, but a national and temporary matter that the government needed more time to reopen schools.
According to the source, the ministers of higher education and education were also present at a meeting between the government’s foreign minister and the UAE religious scholars’ delegation.

Meanwhile, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qahar Balkhi issued a statement saying that the meeting discussed education.

In a statement, Mr. Mottaghi told the delegation that Afghanistan’s schools and universities are ready for bilateral cooperation.

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