AfghanistanSpecial ReportsWomen & Human Rights

Reactions to banning women from working in UNAMA offices; The suffering of the Afghan people will increase

Bayan news

Hours after banning women from working in United Nations offices across Afghanistan, senior officials of this organization and a number of prominent figures criticized the decision of the caretaker government of the Taliban.

Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Marks Putzel, the deputy UNAMA in Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, the special rapporteur of the United Nations, and Zalmi Khalilzad, the former representative of the United States for the peace of Afghanistan, reacted to this decision of the caretaker government in Kabul and called it a loss to the people of Afghanistan.

Guterres said in a tweet that he condemned the ban on women working in UN offices and said that if the Kabul government does not reconsider this action, the organization’s ability to deliver essential aid to people in need will be weakened.

The Office of the United Nations Assistant in Afghanistan (UNAMA) also announced that female employees of this organization have been banned in the offices.

Following this decision of the caretaker government, UNAMA has announced more than three thousand employees for two days off.

At the same time, Richard Bennett added in a tweet that the decision of the caretaker government of Kabul to ban women from working in UN offices is considered a violation of women’s fundamental rights and against the United Nations Charter.

He said that this action of Kabul will have a negative impact on essential services for the people of Afghanistan.
He stated that the caretaker government of Kabul should cancel this decision, and noted that the presence of female employees is necessary.

On the part of Zalmi Khalilzad, last night (April 4), he called this decision of the Kabul government a mistake.

Khalilzad said in a tweet that by taking such a decision, the caretaker government of Kabul will increase the suffering and problems of the Afghan people and will probably lead to a decrease in international aid.

Meanwhile, the caretaker government of Kabul has not issued an official announcement about this decision.

Yesterday, female staff at the UNAMA field office in Nangarhar province were banned from entering their offices.

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