
Ghani in his Eid message: Taliban’s mistakes have nothing to do with Pashtuns

Bayan news

Ashraf Ghani, the fugitive president of Afghanistan, in his Eid message, criticized the actions of the caretaker government in Kabul and said that the mistakes of the Taliban have nothing to do with the Pashtuns.

On Thursday (April 21), he said in a voice message: “The actions of the Taliban are wrongly attributed to the Pashtuns, while it has nothing to do with this people.”

In his message, Ghani clearly stated that the Taliban even slander Pashtuns and other ethnic groups that restrictions have been imposed on women’s education and work based on their culture.

Raising debates about identity and ethnic issues is another part of Ashraf Ghani’s concerns, which he stated in his message and stated that this issue has been strengthened by profiteers and following forced migrations.

According to him, in the current situation, instead of fighting against suffocation, Afghanistan is being led to an identity crisis by some people either intentionally or unintentionally.

Stating that this disease has its roots in the intellectual ugliness of the last half century, he pointed out that if the damage of this crisis is not prevented, its consequences will be dangerous for Afghanistan in the long run.

The former president of Afghanistan added: “Forced migrations during this era weakened the sense of belonging to the common homeland and gave profit seekers the opportunity to make personal use of it in the name of the nation, while the connection of the people of the country with the historical identity and the single land is the common pride of all. It is us that can only be embodied in being Afghan.”

Referring to the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani said that so far only humanitarian aid has prevented a full-scale crisis, and history shows that no nation has survived by begging.

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