
West: Political dialogue among Afghans is the basic solution for Afghanistan

Bayan news

Thomas West, the special representative of the United States for Afghanistan, announced one day after the Doha meeting that political dialogue among Afghans is the most basic solution to end the Afghan crisis.

He recently added in a tweet that the Doha meeting was not to identify the caretaker government of Kabul, but focused on identifying common interests and how to advance them collectively.

West continued to point out that terrorism, oppression of women, humanitarian crisis and drugs in Afghanistan were discussed at the Doha meeting.

The US special representative said, “The countries gave different priorities for these interests, but among the agreed points, political dialogue among Afghans was the central part of the solution to all the challenges.”

However, the Doha meeting hosted by the United Nations was held behind closed doors on May 2 and 3 this year.

In this meeting, the Secretary General of the United Nations announced that it was held to create a global approach around Afghanistan, not to identify the Taliban.

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