
British Research Institute (Aicis): Opium cultivation in southern Afghanistan has decreased by 80%

Bayan news

A British research organization called Alcis (AIcis) says in a new report that after the establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, opium cultivation in the south of this country has decreased by 80%.

The report of this research organization was published on Tuesday (June 6) and in it, by analyzing satellite images, it was found that the Islamic Emirate has reduced opium cultivation in Afghanistan in an unprecedented way.

According to this report, opium cultivation decreased after the Islamic Emirate issued a decree banning its cultivation.

The report states that previously, Helmand province produced more than 50% of Afghanistan’s opium, but in the past year, opium cultivation in this province has decreased by 99%.

On the other hand, the report quoted Mike Trice, a former agent of the fight against drugs in the UK, who said that the permanent reduction of opium cultivation to this extent will have a long-term and significant impact on the patterns of heroin trafficking and organized crime around the world.

However, this report is published while the head of the political department of the United Nations Deputy Mission in Kabul (UNAMA) has recently praised the Islamic Emirate’s fight against drugs.

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