
Hanafi’s demand from political representatives: to show the real image of the system to the people of the host countries

Bayan news

Abdul Salam Hanafi, the administrative deputy of the administration of the caretaker government of Kabul, asked the political representatives of Afghanistan to show the real face of the current system of the country to the people of the host Islamic countries.

Hanafi made these statements after noon on Wednesday (June 21) in a meeting with Mohammad Naeem, the Afghan ambassador to Qatar.

The administrative deputy of the caretaker government added that political agencies should try to show the real image of the system to the people of the host countries with diplomacy based on friendly relations with Islamic countries.

He also called for close relations based on mutual respect between Qatar and the Islamic Emirate and stressed that the political agency should do more to facilitate the Afghans living in Doha.

The political office of the Islamic Emirate was opened in Doha, the capital of Qatar, in 2010, and the officials of the Islamic Emirate used this office for political talks with the previous government.

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