
Islamabad: Measures have been taken by Kabul to thwart the Pakistani Taliban’s activities

Bayan News

Asef Durrani, Pakistan’s special envoy for Afghanistan, said in new remarks regarding the transfer of immigrants from the tribal areas to the northern provinces of Afghanistan that this move by the interim Kabul government will be useful in curbing the activities of the Pakistani Taliban.

In an interview with Voice of America, he emphasized that if the Pakistani Taliban’s activities are shifted to areas that lead to peace throughout the borders of Islamabad, Pakistan will welcome it.

Durrani explicitly stated: “This is a serious matter, but measures have been taken to thwart the activities of the Pakistani Taliban. We still need to understand that this process takes time, but it has started.”

According to Pakistan’s special envoy, the Kabul interim government’s measures are in the first stage, and we have to wait for its results.

However, the Pakistani government has always announced that the Pakistani Taliban has posed serious threats against this country’s government by using border areas.

In some cases, senior officials in this country have clearly stated that Pakistani Taliban fighters have launched attacks on military forces in this country by using border areas from within Afghanistan.

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