
Interior Ministry warning: ISIS plans to attack Islamic Emirate officials who have returned from the Hajj pilgrimage

Bayan News

The caretaker government’s Interior Ministry has warned security commanders in the provinces that according to intelligence information, ISIS intends to carry out suicide attacks against Islamic Emirate officials who have recently returned from the Hajj pilgrimage.

The ministry has sent a letter to all provincial security commanders, warning of the possibility of suicide bombings and ISIS attacks against Islamic Emirate officials.

A version of this letter, which has been made available to Afghan media, states: “Based on intelligence information, ISIS plans to carry out suicide attacks against officials, governors, chiefs, and other military and civilian officials of the Islamic Emirate who went for the Hajj pilgrimage this year, upon their return from Hajj and during the blessed Hajj ceremony, by using the density and crowds of visitors and guests to attack their offices and homes.”

The ministry has instructed all provincial security commanders to take all necessary measures to ensure the security of Islamic Emirate officials and their blessed Hajj ceremonies.

Meanwhile, in recent months, ISIS has carried out targeted attacks against Islamic Emirate officials and authorities.

The attack on the office of Dawood Muzamil, the former governor of Balkh province, and the attack on the funeral of the deputy governor of Badakhshan province were among the most significant ISIS attacks against Islamic Emirate officials.

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