AfghanistanWomen & Human Rights

New Survey: Only 11% of Afghan Women are Satisfied with the Current Social Situation

Bayan News – An international institution known as “Gallup” has announced in a recent survey that only 11% of Afghan women are satisfied with the social conditions under the rule of the Islamic Emirate.

The survey was conducted by this institution in July 2023 regarding Afghan women, and according to the survey, the level of satisfaction among Afghan women is the lowest among the countries surveyed by Gallup.

The survey indicates that the satisfaction level of women was 29% in 2022 and has decreased to 11% this year, which demonstrates that the restrictions imposed by the Islamic Emirate have contributed to the decline in women’s dissatisfaction.

According to the recent survey, although Afghan men have not faced the same restrictions, both Afghan men and women are currently dissatisfied with their social freedoms, with women expressing higher levels of dissatisfaction compared to men.

Gallup associates the level of dissatisfaction with the ongoing suffering in Afghanistan and states that 96% of women and 93% of men in 2023 are dissatisfied with their living conditions.

The survey also addresses respectful behavior towards Afghan women, stating that 17% of women and 36% of men have stated that women are treated with respect and dignity. However, a strong majority still believes that this is not the case.

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