
Mohaqiq to Khalilzad: Once You Don’t Intervene, We’ll Find Our Own Way

Bayan News – Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, a senior member of the National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan, responded to Khalilzad’s recent remarks by stating that once there is no interference in Afghan affairs, the opposition leaders to the Taliban will find their own way.

Mohaqiq claims that when Khalilzad was the US negotiator with the Taliban, he deceived both Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the Presidents of the United States, by suggesting that the Taliban had changed.

This senior member of the National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan considers Khalilzad’s suggestion as mere rhetoric and points out that all the miseries faced by the people today are the result of his (Khalilzad’s) efforts.

Mr. Mohaqiq continues to mention the presence of Hamid Karzai and Dr. Abdullah in Kabul, stating that they are under the control of the Islamic Emirate. “Karzai is imprisoned and cannot travel abroad. Dr. Abdullah’s movements are restricted, and he cannot engage in political activities.”

However, Khalilzad recently called on the opposition leaders to the Islamic Emirate to return to Kabul and engage in discussions regarding the formation of an inclusive government and the constitution.

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