
Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Iranian delegation informed that there is insufficient water in Helmand River

Bayan News – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the interim Kabul government has confirmed in a statement that the Iranian delegation observed and evaluated the water flow at the Dahla Dam water measurement device four days ago.

The ministry announced on Monday (August 13th) that the Iranian technical delegation evaluated this year’s water flow to be lower than normal due to the significant drought caused by global climate change. “The Iranian delegation… assessed this year’s water flow to be significantly lower than normal due to the effects of unprecedented droughts resulting from the global climate change phenomenon.”

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ statement, the Iranian delegation was informed that Helmand Sea has minimal water flow, and its tributaries, including Musa Qala, Arghistan, Arghandab, and Tarnak, have completely dried up.

The ministry stated, “Based on the analysis of water flow statistics, it is evident that no human action or intention is involved in the lack of water supply to Iran. Instead, it is a forced situation that has caused this matter.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized in the statement that in the event of rainfall and favorable conditions, the water rights of downstream residents in Helmand Sea in Nimroz province, Afghanistan, and Sistan in the Islamic Republic of Iran will be ensured.

Meanwhile, Hassan Kazemi-Qomi, the special representative and acting ambassador of Iran in Kabul, said in an interview with an Iranian media outlet called “Akharin Khabar” last night that Iranian experts have visited the water measurement station in Dehrawood district of Oruzgan province for the first time.

Mr. Kazemi-Qomi also mentioned that the Iranian experts are currently in Kabul. He added, “The visit has been made, and they need to report their findings. God willing, they will submit the report, and we’ll see what our experts’ interpretation is.”

However, the Iranian side has not yet released the findings of their technical delegation regarding the water flow level at the Dehrawood water measurement device.

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