
The Collapse of the Republic: Concentration of Power Led to the Collapse of the Republican System

Bayan News – Mohammad Karim Khalili, the leader of the Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan, stated in a message commemorating the second anniversary of the collapse of the republic that a lack of commitment to the homeland, concentration of power, and multidimensional corruption led to the downfall of the republican system and the resurgence of the Islamic Emirate’s control over Afghanistan.

Mr. Khalili stated in his message on Monday, August 14th, that the republican system collapsed on August 15th, 2021, as a result of a conspiracy.

According to Khalili, the inefficiency of the centralized political system, widespread disillusionment and discontent among the people towards the government, premature withdrawal of international forces, and the lack of support for intra-Afghan peace, among other factors, contributed to the downfall of the republican system.

He further emphasized in his message that the former government, which had monopolized military and administrative power in the country and denied national institutions the opportunity to participate in decision-making, should be accountable to the Afghan people in this regard.

The leader of the Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan added, “Despite their claims that they would not abandon Afghanistan, international partners, by ending their support for the republican system and failing to support intra-Afghan peace, have rendered the product of their 20 years of efforts and activities futile. This ill-considered decision has raised questions about the credibility of the aforementioned partners in public opinion, especially among the Afghan people.”

Khalili believes that the current problems are temporary and transitory, and he emphasizes that changes in the country are inevitable, and no power can eliminate a nation and establish a government in the absence of the people.

He believes that an approach should be adopted to put an end to the vicious cycle of war, and to bring about lasting peace and security in the country. “Lasting peace and security come about when all citizens, all ethnic groups and all segments, including women and men, take ownership of their destiny and consider the system and government as their own,” he said.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 15th, coincides with the second anniversary of the collapse of the republican system and the renewed control of the Islamic Emirate over Afghanistan. On this date, Ashraf Ghani, the former President of Afghanistan, and other politicians fled Kabul.

In the past two years, the international community has been engaging with the caretaker government in Kabul, and so far, no country has been willing to officially recognize it.

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