
Mujahid: Kabul’s Liberation Proves That No One Can Ensure Their Survival by Foreign Powers

Bayan News – On the occasion of the second anniversary of the reestablishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, Zabihullah Mujahid stated that the fall of Kabul demonstrated that no one can guarantee their survival through foreign power.

Mujahid, in a statement released this morning on Tuesday, August 15th, said that the people of Afghanistan have made great sacrifices throughout history for their religion, country, and freedom. As a result, the fully Islamic system that the people desired has now been realized.

According to him, the Islamic Emirate, as the true representative of the people, has successfully traversed the great and difficult path and laid the groundwork for the consolidation of a fully Islamic system.

The spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, in their statement, emphasized that overall security has been ensured in the country, highlighting that all of Afghanistan’s geography is being governed under one leadership and one administration, with the Islamic system prevailing and all issues being addressed from the perspective of Sharia.

Mujahid’s statement reads: “The liberation of Kabul once again proves that no one can make the proud and mujahid Afghan nation subservient to themselves and guarantee their survival through the power of foreign forces.”

It should be noted that two years ago today, Kabul fell to the forces of the Islamic Emirate, and the leaders of the previous government fled from Kabul.

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