
Karzai’s Request from the Islamic Emirate: Open the Gates of Schools and Universities

Bayan News – Hamid Karzai, the former President of Afghanistan, in a message on the occasion of the 104th anniversary of Afghanistan’s independence, requested the Islamic Emirate to open the gates of schools and universities for girls.

Mr. Karzai stated in his message today, Sunday (August 19th), that achieving a prosperous and progressive Afghanistan and being independent from the need for others is not possible without acquiring knowledge. He expressed hope that all people, regardless of their gender, will not hesitate or hold back in pursuing education and providing education for their children.

The message from the former President of Afghanistan stated, “On this historic day, once again, I ask the caretaker government of the Islamic Emirate to open the gates of schools and universities for girls as soon as possible and provide educational opportunities for all across the country so that we can truly become the owners of independence and a self-sufficient nation by freeing ourselves from the need for others.”

Hamid Karzai continued to emphasize the need to overcome the current crisis, stating that the only way out of the current problems is to establish peace and sustainable stability in the country, preserve and strengthen unity as much as possible, and initiate immediate inter-Afghan negotiations.

It is worth mentioning that today, which coincides with the 104th anniversary of Afghanistan’s independence, the entire country has been declared a holiday, and the caretaker government in Kabul has commemorated this day by holding special ceremonies.

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