
Interim Kabul Government Welcomes World Bank Report

Bayan News – The Economic Deputy Office of the Interim Kabul Government welcomes the recent publication of the World Bank report and emphasizes that if the world engages positively with the Islamic Emirate, Afghanistan will progress in various fields.

The recent World Bank report, published on August 31, describes the economic progress of the current Kabul government. According to the report, positive changes have occurred in food production, maintaining the stability of the Afghan currency, food prices, banking system regulation, job creation, and quality healthcare services.

The Economic Deputy Office, led by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, appreciates this World Bank report and states that the facts presented in the report and the progress made are concrete realities presented by the World Bank.

The office’s newsletter states, “The Islamic Emirate believes that if the international community adopts positive interaction, sets aside restrictions, and frees Afghanistan’s frozen assets, then Afghanistan will make considerable progress in all economic sectors.”

The Economic Deputy Office urges all international organizations to publicly acknowledge the progress being made in Afghanistan with each passing day.

Furthermore, the office continues to request the World Bank to resume and complete the projects that were partially funded by the organization but remained unfinished.

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