
Suicide Crisis in Afghanistan: 18-Year-Old Youth Hangs Himself in Daykundi Province

Bayan News – Reports from Daykundi province indicate that last night (September 2nd), an 18-year-old youth hanged himself in the city of Nili, the capital of Daykundi province.

Local sources identify the young man as “Mahdi” and state that he was a resident of Qal Qadiri village in Daykundi province.

Security forces in the province have confirmed the incident and announced that relevant authorities have initiated an investigation.

The cause of this young man’s suicide has not yet been determined.

Over the past two years, the rate of suicide among Afghan adolescents and youth has been increasing. In recent months alone, several similar incidents have occurred in central regions and northern provinces of Afghanistan, including Faryab and Badakhshan.

Mental and psychological problems, poverty, and family challenges are considered the main factors contributing to suicide.

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